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Why I Created 'Marketing Mondays'

marketing tips

I created a day called - Marketing Monday!

I love to prioritise marketing on a Monday as it ensures that I'm ALWAYS continuing to grow my business.

It can be really hard to fit it all in, between my 1:1 client calls, reviewing the marketing for my private clients, as well as building my new course.

Plus I have 2 kids who I am always running around to their various activities and appointments.

So trust me, I get it.

But if you want a successful business, it's essential to always be marketing your business.

You need to keep yourself top of mind for your ideal clients, so that when the time is right, you will be the first person they think of.

I have a long checklist of everything I like to do on Marketing Mondays, but you can definitely start smaller than this.

So even though you are busy, think about some small ways that you can take action towards marketing your business.

Here are some ideas:

- Instagram post to share value that is re-posted to Facebook
- Instagram Story to share a moment from your day
- Answering 1 question in a Facebook Group filled with ideal clients
- 1 email to your email list
- Promote your freebie/lead magnet in 1 place (such as a Facebook Group or on your Instagram Stories)

- Tell 1 person what you do and who you help (either online or in-person)

These are all small activities, but they add up over time to create a lot of value in the world, make you more visible to your ideal client, and get the word out there about your business.

Small, do-able goals that you can fit into your day.

Tell me - what's ONE thing you are doing today to market your business?

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