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Personal Coaching

Joining Another Big Group Program? Read this first...

work with mia

How many big group programs have you joined and done nothing with them? 

This is super common. 

I talk to people ALL THE TIME who join the big names in their big programs. They are excited for the first week, and then once again, they get lost, overwhelmed, confused and don’t make any progress forward. 

Then they beat themselves up for spending more money on something that they haven’t used. 

It’s easy to do. 

 Hey, I’ve even done it myself! 

That’s where the power of a personal, one-on-one coach (like me!) comes in. 

Look, I love a big group program (and have joined a few myself). 

But there is NOTHING like the personal attention that comes from having a private coach in your business. 

This is where my coaching service is different. 

I am IN your business WITH you. 

I give you step-by-step instructions on how to set up your professional online presence on social media, email and website. 


 I am commenting on every social media post (and providing actionable feedback for your next post). 

 I am reading all your emails (and responding with tips on how to make them more compelling). 

 I am reviewing all your blogs (and giving advice on how to repurpose this content elsewhere). 

 I am attending your webinars and workshops (and providing recommendations on how to create stronger calls to action). 

 I am auditing your website (and giving actionable tips on how to improve the user journey so they sign up with you). 

 I am listening to your podcasts (and giving feedback on how to move the listener towards becoming a client). 

 And then I am coaching you to keep you accountable and moving forward in your business. 

 There is NO ONE else offering this level of personalised marketing mentoring and coaching, backed by 20+ years of marketing experience. 

 It’s my passion to help you market your business effectively so you can attract ideal clients. 

 If you'd like someone to hold your hand, and take you through a step-by-step proven process to create a professional online presence that attracts paying clients, you NEED to reach out to me. 

Book a FREE CONSULT CALL HERE. On the call, I will give you some free marketing tips just for you, and tell you more about coaching with me. 

I can't wait to meet you soon!


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