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Mia Carter Coaching Sydney

5 Ways I Supported Myself During My First Full-Time Year in Business

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I recently celebrated my first year full-time in my business!

I’ve been reflecting on the highs, the lows, and everything that helped me to reach my revenue goal in my first year of business.

Look out for a series on the lessons, the tips and the amazing moments I’ve been able to experience in the last year!

First up:

5 Ways I Supported Myself During My First Full-Time Year in Business


  1.  Created a Network of Like-Minded Coaches

Building a coaching business can be lonely and isolating. I went from being in a corporate office with literally thousands of people, to working all by myself.


Luckily, I have created a beautiful friendship with a fabulous group of Aussie coaches – we even organise our own annual mastermind retreats! I also have my dear coaching bestie in New York, with whom I communicate via Marco Polo daily. I can’t recommend this highly enough!


  1.  Prioritised Health and Wellness

I learned that I am the ‘asset’ of the business, and need to take care of myself accordingly. If I don’t have my health and wellness, there IS no business. So, I have prioritised my health by exercising EVERY day this year (yay, me!), creating time for my self-coaching, setting an earlier bedtime, caring for myself better when I get migraines, and eating healthier, nourishing foods – most of the time! I am continuing to learn and grow in this area and am so proud of all the changes I have made.


  1.  Got Support with Household Duties

I invested in a healthy meal delivery service, a laundry and ironing service, and weekly house cleaning. I get my groceries delivered via online shopping. I taught my children how to pack away after themselves, and ensured we all do an ‘hour of power’ tidying up on the weekends. Would a million dollar CEO be matching socks during her workday? No. So I don’t either – I support myself by outsourcing.


  1.  I Created a Coaching Schedule That Suited My Needs

When I started my business, I was coaching anywhere from 6am until midnight, 7 days per week. Being in Sydney, Australia, my clients are mostly in the US, Canada or Europe, and I worked my schedule around ALL the different time zones.

That is, until I nearly burnt myself out!

Now, I have a work schedule that suits my lifestyle, working 9am – 4pm, which allows me to get proper sleep. Luckily, this schedule still suits all of my US and Canadian clients, and a select few of my European clients, and of course all my Aussie and Kiwi clients too.


  1.  Invested Heavily Into My Own Coaching

As a Coach, I firmly believe in investing into Coaching. How can we possibly market and sell something that we are not buying ourselves? I believe that we should always GO FIRST.

So, I have my own high-level 1:1 Goals Coach, and I’m also in a small VIP Mastermind with a premium coach, AND I am in a high-touch business coaching program. And this is on top of the group coaching programs I belong to! Coaching is a priority in my life, as I know it’s the best way to support myself to get to my goals – and create the life I love along the way!


So there you have it - the 5 ways I supported myself in my first year working full-time in my business.


How about you? Did any of these tips help you? Or do you have any other tips to share on how we can best support ourselves as coaches and business owners?

I’d love to hear any tips, tricks or mindset shifts you may have!

And don't forget to book your free call with me HERE if you'd like to talk about coaching with me!

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